Kylie ๐Ÿ’‹

Kylie, 8″ x 8″, oil on canvas

I wanted to make a painting for my nephew but he doesn’t have a pet so instead I painted his celebrity crush, Kylie Jenner. Hopefully he likes his Xmas present as much as I enjoyed making it. I was kind of sick of doing pet portraits anyhow and this now makes me to want to paint more beautiful people. I’d love to get more practice painting people and it seems perfect to start by painting strangers before people I actually know, so I can avoid offending anyone in case I do a terrible job!

Levi & Riley

Posting my latest paintings…a pair of dog portraits for my nieces of their adorable shih tzus for Christmas. It was the first time I painted 2 paintings at the same time. I enjoyed being able to go back and forth between the canvases. When I was bored with one, I could work on the other. The key to doing this is to use the same palette for both. In this case, I used a palette of titanium white, ivory black, burnt umber, cadmium yellow, and French ultramarine.

Levi, 8″x8″, oil on canvas
Riley, 8″x8″, oil on canvas

Selfie in Santa Fe

12″ x 16″, oil on canvas

First portrait / self-portrait… It took 7 (!) sessions to get to this, and they were all really terrifying versions! I wasn’t sure I could get to something decent, so I am really happy with this.

Leopard Print Headband (self portrait)

I’m too afraid to sketch or paint others (in case I make them look terrible) so I’m planning on only making self portraits or pictures of strangers until I get better. This doesn’t look exactly like me but the distortion looks pretty good anyway. ๐Ÿ™‚

Hiro at Salisbury Beach

12″ x 16″, oil on canvas

I liked the sketch I made of my pup so decided to make the painting. This was from a photo taken at Salisbury Beach. I used a limited palette with only 5 colors: burnt umber, French ultramarine, cadmium red, cadmium yellow, and titanium white.

Bust of Hippocrates

I once covered a shift for a friend in residency so he could go on a vacation to see his family in Greece and when he came back he gave me this bust of Hippocrates as a gift, which I thought was the coolest thing ever. I’ve had him for over 20 years. Usually he is in the office but I brought him home to pose.